The story begins more than 300 years ago with Jean Loron in the village of Chénas, in the heart of the steep hills of Beaujolais. Situated between the Rock of Solutré in Mâconnais and Moulin-à-Vent in Beaujolais, the Maison Jean Loron is one of the oldest and largest vineyard owners in the south of Burgundy. Its wine-growing history dates back to 1711.

The story of La Maison Jean Loron began more than 300 years ago with Jean Loron in the village of Chénas, in the heart of the steep hills of Beaujolais. While many people worked in farming during this time, Jean decided to specialise in viticulture, starting with some parcels in Beaujolais and Burgundy, with the aim of obtaining the perfect raw material to create superior quality wines. Almost a century later in 1821, his grandson Jean-Marie, aware of the wines’ potential, took over the estate and decided to set up his business in Pontanevaux, not far from the railway for easy transportation of the wines while expanding the business.

Over the years, Jean Loron’s descendants have built solid partnerships with some prestigious names around the world, growing the brand while delivering consistently exceptional wines. Three centuries of tradition and boldness have passed since the early days of Jean Loron, however The Maison has remained close to its roots. Today Maison Jean Loron grows 150 hectares of vines through its own estates, which have been acquired over the years and are spread over the most beautiful terroirs of the Beaujolais and Mâconnais region between Lyon and Beaune, in the southernmost part of the “Grande Bourgogne.”

The Maison has retained the name of its ancestor and the winemakers’ secrets have been passed down through history. Their mantra has been the same since the very beginning: give equal importance to the winemaking and the ageing process, even if the latter step takes several years, allowing the wines’ aromatic expression to develop.


2023 Jean Pinot Noir

$300.00 for 12 bottles
for 12 bottles

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